Minnesota natives are no strangers to ice and snow. However, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t injured on icy or snowy surfaces on a regular basis throughout the winter season. In fact, according to a recent article physicians in the Twin Cities area have seen more patients as of late — both emergency room patients and those admitted to the hospital — due to slip-and-falls on icy surfaces outside. Injuries to patients’ wrists and ankles are common. The wrist injuries usually occur when a person reaches out to catch their fall. Ankle injuries often occur when a person twists while falling.
Between December 15, 2016, and January 6, 2017, Hennepin County Medical Center received 19 patients with broken legs, 15 patients with broken arms, 15 patients with strains, cuts or bruises, 11 patients with head injuries, including concussions and 10 other patients who suffered a variety of injuries in wintertime slip and fall accidents on the ice or snow.
Minneapolis has responded by offering residents sand at no cost to keep their driveways and sidewalks less slippery. Sand is available at four locations, 24 hours a day, for residents to come and take away. Medical professionals advocate liberal sanding and salting outside of residents’ homes and stores. Even snow-covered streets can have ice hidden underneath.
Head injuries are especially dangerous. An untreated concussion actually has the potential to have a long-term effect on a person’s health. Not every concussion can be captured on a CT scan. However, they can still cause problems with a person’s ability to sleep, emotional issues, issues concentrating and issues relating to friends and loved ones.
Slip and fall accidents can be costly, particularly if a person needs an operation, an extended hospital stay or rehabilitation. If a person’s slip and fall accident is due to a property owner’s negligence, then that person may want to determine whether or not legal action can be taken against the property owner for the injuries suffered.
Source: StarTribune, “Ouch! Twin Cities doctors seeing more injuries from falls on ice,” Pat Pheifer, Jan. 6, 2017