Motorcycles are a common sight on the roads in Minnesota. In general, cars and motorcycles will share the road safely and both will keep a close eye on one another. Still, given the vulnerability of motorcyclists, it is not unusual for there to be serious injury and...
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Car Accidents
Campaign focuses on texting and driving and other distractions
Despite repeated warnings, endless statistics and anecdotal evidence as to the dangers of being a distracted driver, some people in Minnesota and throughout the nation still cannot resist the temptation to look at their devices when behind the wheel. There are a...
Statistics: 2017 Minnesota auto accident fatalities pass 200
It is important for states to keep track of the number of motor vehicle accidents there are in any given year as well as the number of people who suffer serious injury and fatality. In Minnesota, the Office of Traffic Safety keeps a record of these statistics. At the...
Bus-car collision kills one and critically injures another
People who ride public transportation in Minnesota are generally doing so because they want to save money, believe that it is a more efficient way to travel, and often view it as safe. However, any vehicle on the road can get into car accidents at any time. In a...
SUV crash seriously injuries 2 women
In Minneapolis and throughout the state of Minnesota, an auto accident can happen in locations where they are least expected. It is when these car accidents happen in places other than the road that people can suffer serious injury and fatalities. People who are...
Teen drivers and the summer months raise risk for car accidents
Researchers consider the summer months the deadliest on the road for the entire year and this is a significant concern for Minnesota drivers. Part of that is due to the inevitable increase in the number of teens who are behind the wheel once school is out. The summer...
The increase in fatal car accidents and distracted driving
With 50 states in the union, there are bound to be some distinct differences among the many different populations. Unfortunately, one difference is that drivers in some states are getting into more fatal car accidents than drivers in other states.A recent article...
The high toll of car accidents in America
Most of our readers in Minnesota know that car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America. But it can be difficult to grasp just how staggering the toll of car accidents is in this country.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...
What steps should you take in the aftermath of a car accident?
There are probably only a few very lucky people in Minnesota who have never been involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, car accidents are all too common on the roadways throughout America, so, chances are that most people will almost inevitably be in one at some...
Mock crash demonstrates the danger of distracted drivers
Previous posts here have detailed the dangers of distracted driving. According to one news article, some high school students in Minnesota recently got a pretty good look at just how much devastation a distracted driver can cause.The article noted that on April 21 the...