While not everyone may like paying for car insurance, it can be a lifeline should you be injured in a car accident. In Minnesota, drivers are required to carry both uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage as part of their car insurance policies....
Powerful Representation, Friendly Professionals
Distinguished Railroad And Personal Injury Lawyers
Month: January 2017
5 steps to take after a motor vehicle accident
Regardless of how safely and defensively you drive on the road, accidents are bound to happen on occasion. Weather, distraction and intoxication are often factors involved in causing vehicle accidents, and even the smallest accident can lead to a serious injury that...
What does it mean to be an underinsured driver?
Few Minnesota drivers give much thought to the types of insurance their fellow motorists have until they are involved in car accidents. Standard procedure after a collision, after making sure that no one is injured or requires medical attention, is to trade contact...
Railroad fatalities are still a problem in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Transportation works to eliminate accidents at the dangerous intersections where trains and vehicles meet. The agency does so by replacing antiquated, unsafe crossing mechanisms with newer, more visible and efficient tools that improve...
Our firm is available to assist after your motor vehicle accident
During the winter it is a pretty common sight for a Minnesota resident to see a motor vehicle accident on the side of the road. Most of the time, these incidents are simply nuisances that the involved parties must get through in order to go on with their days. For...
Winter in Twin Cities sees an increase in slip and fall injuries
Minnesota natives are no strangers to ice and snow. However, that doesn't mean that they aren't injured on icy or snowy surfaces on a regular basis throughout the winter season. In fact, according to a recent article physicians in the Twin Cities area have seen more...
Number of traffic deaths in Minnesota plateaus in 2016
When a car weighing 2,000 pounds is being driven at a high rate of speed or in a reckless way, it comes as no surprise that a fatal car crash can occur. Unfortunately, hundreds of people lose their lives in car accidents on Minnesota's roads every year.Preliminary...
Who is liable for wintertime slip-and-fall accidents?
Residents of Minneapolis are no strangers to ice, snow, sleet and other unfavorable winter weather conditions. Some may even look forward to the occasional "snow day" the season brings. However, residents of Minneapolis should be aware of any duties property owners...