Most of our readers have been involved in fenders benders before. But, unfortunately, we all know from daily news reports that much more serious car accidents occur quite frequently in the Minneapolis area. One recent report from the local area provided a few details...
Powerful Representation, Friendly Professionals
Distinguished Railroad And Personal Injury Lawyers
Month: April 2017
One problem with some umbrella insurance policies
Umbrella insurance sounds comforting and can be a smart decision for many consumers. It normally works like this: You buy an umbrella insurance policy that broadens the coverage you get from basic policies. So, suppose you get into a car accident, and the bills...
Report suggests Midwest drivers among the safest in the nation
There is no doubt that people in different regions of the country have different habits, routines and traditions. A recent report suggests people in the Midwest just might be the safest drivers on the nation's roadways.The data to back that up was collected over the...
Options for injured railroad workers
When Minnesota residents suffer an injury on the job, they can sometimes feel like their options are limited. While recovering from their injury, how will they pay their bills? For most employees in Minnesota and other states, the answer is a claim for workers'...
Most drivers say distracted driving is a problem
Many of our readers in Minneapolis know that car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America. But, what are the most common causes of car accidents? Well, as most people would probably guess, distracted driving is high on the list. And, according to a...